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The Manhattan Project: A Seinfeld and Friends Podcast

Feb 26, 2018

Erin and Ashford discuss The Heart Attack, which really goes into poking fun of new age types, explores George's neurosis/quirks, and solidifies the character, Kramer, as a force on the show.  Please e-mail us at or contact us on Twitter @4ThatRule.  We also have a Facebook page: The Four Who...

Feb 20, 2018

Ashford and Erin discuss the Revenge, and its problematic plot, dealing with slipping people a drug that makes them not aware of their faculties. Played for laughs in the early 90s and 80s, but under the "wokeness" of today's climate, quite disturbing to say the least.

Yes, George wants to slip his sexist boss a drink...

Feb 3, 2018

The Statue really starts the ball rolling with all four characters involved with the plot, and the creators thoughts and hostility towards the highfalutin are quite evident with our guest characters, an aspiring thespian/academic type and an aspiring writer.  

Kramer has more to do, Elaine's career is given more light...

Episode 11: The Statue

Feb 3, 2018

The Statue really starts the ball rolling with all four characters involved with the plot, and the creators thoughts and hostility towards the highfalutin are quite evident with our guest characters, an aspiring thespian/academic type and an aspiring writer.  

Kramer has more to do, Elaine's career is given more light...