Dec 15, 2017
Ashford and Erin are back to discuss the Jacket, rswritten by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. In this one Jerry splurges on a high priced jacket, which leads to hilarious high jinks!
Write us at Erin and Ashford would love to hear your comments about our favorite 90's...
Dec 11, 2017
Jerry offends a member of his family from Poland, who happened to have a pony when she was a small child. The next day the elderly relative dies, leading Jerry to believe that his Pony Remark may have been the...
Nov 16, 2017
Erin and Ashford are back with
episode 6, the Ex-Girlfriend. Released in January 1991, this
story is the opening for the new season, which is season 2.
Grunge, the Clinton years, and Seinfeld. What a decade!
Let us see how Jerry and George deal with the ethereal seduction of
Marlene, a southern bell who really has a...
Nov 10, 2017
The Four Who Rule talk about the horrors of cats, dating, and the validity of Superman having super human strength. Well, actually the super humor topic is discussed on the show. The show is starting to hone its voice.
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Nov 2, 2017
Episode 4 of the Four Who Rule with Erin and Ashford is about the episode The Male Unbonding, which is about Jerry trying to in the most sly, benign way, dump man in a platonic relationship. Again, a show that is not about a son hiding a failing grade from his parents, or a dad that is trying to do right by his kids. ...